What payment options are available?
Currently, we accept PayPal as the sole payment method for all orders.

Which shipping methods do you offer?
We use FedEx/USPS/UPS for expedited deliveries within the United States.

When will my order be shipped?
Once your order is placed, you’ll receive a confirmation email. Your order will be processed and prepared for shipment within 1-3 business days, after which you'll receive an email containing tracking details. We ship Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Depending on the shipping service, you can expect delivery within 1-7 business days after the order has shipped.

Do you ship outside of the Continental US?
At this time, we only ship within the Continental United States. We can also deliver to APO and FPO addresses, but we do not currently offer international shipping.

How much is the shipping fee?
A flat rate of $3.5 per order applies to all shipments.

Are there any taxes or additional charges?
We do not charge any sales tax on orders.

How can I track my order?
After your order has shipped, you’ll receive an email with your tracking number. You can use this number to track your order on our order tracking page.

Can I cancel or change my order?
Once an order has been shipped, it cannot be changed or canceled. If you wish to cancel, please do so before 10:30 AM EST on business days, as orders are processed for shipping after this time.

What should I do if my package arrives damaged?
If your package arrives visibly damaged, please refuse delivery and contact us immediately via email.

What if I receive a defective or incomplete item?
If you receive an item that is defective or incomplete, please get in touch with our Customer Service team for assistance.

When will I receive my refund after returning an item?
Once your return has been processed, the refund will be issued within 3 business days.